Saturday 26 March 2016


The core of the Earth is full of heat. This heat is called geothermal energy.
  Geothermal energy is heat generated 6437 kilometers deep inside the Earth's core, which is made up of iron. It is seen in the form of hot springs and geysers. Geothermal energy was first used by ancient people for heating water for bathing. A geothermal power plant works by tapping into steam or hot water reservoirs underground.
   Then, the steam is used to drive an electric generator. Many of the best locations foe geothermal energy are found in the 'Ring of fire'. This is the horseshoe shaped area around the pacific ocean.
 Hot magma is very close to the surface of the Earth here, which is why it experienced a lot of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. This is also the reason why geothermal energy is found in abundance in this region.

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