Friday 29 July 2016


Nuclear waste is the material the nuclear fuel becomes after a nuclear reaction has taken place. It looks exactly like the fuel that was loaded into the reactor before the reaction. However, the spent fuel or nuclear waste is now dangerously radioactive. It is so toxic that if you stood within a few meters of it while it was unshielded, you would receive a lethal radioactive dose within a few seconds, and would die of radiation sickness in a few days.
therefor, nuclear waste is always kept shielded underwater. After a few years, the radiation decays to levels that can be shielded by concrete in large storage casks. However, unfortunate accidents can occur, and if the nuclear waste is exposed, it can cause terrible damage to both humans and the environment. Nuclear power plants  and research labs where nuclear medicine is practiced, all produce nuclear waste, and the treat is increasing day by day.

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